Meaning Of Resolution

Resolutions are official decision made by individual, groups or organisation towards a particular issues or problems.
Resolutions are usually made before or in marriage, on beginning of a new year, etc. Resolutions are the key factor that drives people to detach form bad group, harbits and behaviour. We are awaiting for the new year and I ask you,what are your resolutions for the new year.
Before the new year, people spend their time going to places, playing love,buying one thing or the other, giving marriages, making parties and so on. In believe the most important thing for us in the year is our resolutions for the year which will change us for the better.
We want to be at peace with our God, our families and neighbours because we might have been in bad relationship with God, our families or neighbours or even with our ownself. For we need a life changing resolution to make at this time.


On every 31st Night of every December period, people gather together in places of worship to pray, and seek the face of God to thank God and ask him to lead them in the coming year. Beside, they make their resolution for the new year.
Among those who made resolution for the year, It is a pity that more than 50% of them keep their resolutions for the year. Many goes back to their former life for one excuse or the other, such as :
1.The country is corrupt and bad how do I keep my resolution on bribery and corruption?
2. Every body is doing it in my office how do I keep my resolution on stealing
3. I do not have money enough to take care of myself, how do I stop this my whore business?
4. I enjoy having this extramarital affair with this fellow, How do I quit this relationship,
5. My wife is provocative to me most times, and how can I watch her insult me or talks anyhow to me.
There are meriads of exusses people gives to excuse themself from keeping to their resolution for that year. And this makes one to remain desame every year, being deprived from growth,and God's Blessing. it down on paper it down on paper

Resolutions And How To Keep To it

There are ways you can uphold your resolutions, such as writting it down on your jotter or phone book, so that at most times you can reflect on it.Here are the points for resolution:
1. Drunkenness and Orgy : This is destructive to one's own life and health, many have dieth through this way.
You are to control what you eat and how you eat, especially in quantity, so as to save your self and your health.
Control: You can maintain your resolution on drinking by first reducing the quantity you use to take and control your appetite on drinking. You must also stop associating with any group or persons that lures you into drinking.
2. Talkative and Gossip: You are to avoid this, for many have ended up destroying their fellow person and not knowing how to apologise to them.
Control you speech and what you say and how you say them.
Control: You can conrol this by keeping your mount under proper control and make sure you start talking less.You must also stop any association the may lure you into it .
3.Hatred and Fighting:Hatred is destructive to social life and is so bad to one's health, because it makes one to keep malice and malice is not good.
Have love for every one, learn to forgive and overlook people's faults and ways of life, for we all can not be desame.
Control: Start loving people by helping them in your own little way if they will accept, start to endure and consederate with one another.
4. Irresponsibility at Home: An irresponsible man or a woman will bring a product of Area Boys in the town who rub and steal from people by force.
Be a responsible man or woman to your partner so that you can together raise a goddly family.
Control: Start to bring your famil together and also start to provide for the family.
5.Promiscuity: Try to have one sex partner, and live peacefully with him or her either as a wife or an husband. This has led many into sorrow or regret. And beside be aware of HIV AIDS AND MANY OTHER SICKNESS.
Control :Stop sexual relations, especially when you are not married, and if you must, It is advisable to stay with one partner.
6.Smoking: You might have heard severally about the dangers of smoking,but finds it very difficult to quit smoking. If you are still healthy, do not wait to see it doing the worst on you before you decide to quit.
Control :Make a resolution today about this smoking harbit to quit it. But if you want to quit truelly then you got to develop hatred for it first and formost. If you find it too difficult you can start to reduce the intake gradually intil you finall stop it.
7.Family Devotion: If you have not been having devotional prayers together with you family,Your family will not grow in the fear of God.
Control: In your resolution for a new begining, ask God for forgiveness in any way we have not been praying with the family and start praying together with your family at least in tthe morning or evening or both .
8.Stingy and Selfishness: Our God is a generous God, and blessed are the hands that giveth. For when shall we start developing a spirit of giving ?.... That will be until we start considering ourselves in being in other people's position of lack and destitute.
9.Battering of one's Partner in Marriage: Have you been a husband who likes or uses beating on your wife, or on the other way round a wife who beats the husband?
God has made you to be one flesh, one bone , one family and one life. For it is absurd and uncivilised for one to batter his partner in marriage. Make a resolution today never to do that again at least for the sake of your children who might copy such life style.
Control:cotrol your temper and start seing your wife or your husband as the husband or wife God gave you to take care of.
10. Destructive Temperament: Bad temperament make men to beat up their wives and can also make women to raise abuses and curses on the husband and children even when it is uncalled for.
Has your anger ever led you to do what you should not have done, or something you have lived to regret in life? ..Angar is destructive to existence. You need to stop that anger by all means possible.
When you are provoked by your wife remember she is your wife first , you need to hold youself and be calm, or try to be quiet and be all alone,not to say anthing you may regret saying, meditate on good virtues over and over and you will get youself in control.
When you are provoked by your children remember they are your children and your future, do not curse them or attempt any evil on them,you need to hold youself and be calm, or try to be quiet and be all alone, meditate on good virtues over and over and you will get youself in control.
When you are provoked by your husband remember he is your husband first and you need to hold youself and be calm, or try to be quiet and be all alone,not to say anything that you may regret saying, meditate on good virtues over and over and you will get youself in control.

A lovely union
A lovely union
..make surplus
..make surplus


Resoluation can be exended to one's business plan, especially for business owners and business managers and executives. Have you taken account of your last year performances? ..And if you have done that, are you in deficit or in surplus?
Draw a business plan that will increase the business income, moltivating and increasing your customers and also moltivating your employees. This means striking a balance in your business goal for the year.
-In Deficit : If you run and ended your business in deficit last year, I encourage you not to panic. find out what has led to your low performance, cut down you expenses and buggets and try to increase your savings and reserves with a resolution to turn the deficit to surplus in the New Year.
-In Surplus :If you have run your business and ended the last year in surplus, It is good, you do not have to relax there, you should work to earn a better growth in the New Year

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